Revoicer AI

Revoicer AI

The most authentic AI Text-to-Speech online for Sales, Education, and Podcast Videos
Over 15,000 people can't be mistaken. Harness AI for your marketing efforts.

Revoicer AI

Revoicer vs. Human Voiceovers

Revoicer AI is designed not to replace human voiceovers but to offer a scalable, time-saving, and cost-effective alternative.

Revoicer AI Traditional Voiceovers

Traditional Voiceovers

  • Hiring voiceover artists and freelancers
  • Average turnaround time: 1 week
  • Post-editing requires technical skills
  • Updates to the voiceover are not possible without additional recordings, often at extra cost

AI Voiceovers with Revoicer

  • Accessible through a simple web-based application
  • Average time to produce a voiceover: 1 minute
  • User-friendly interface, ideal for beginners
  • Easily update the content of your voiceovers at any time, free of charg

AI Voiceovers with Revoicer AI

Explore the Future of AI Text-to-Speech Online

Sales Videos

Introducing a new product or unveiling a service?

Revoicer voiceovers deliver the emotional, compelling performances you'd typically expect from a traditional voice actor, but in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost.

Revoicer AI Text-to-Speech technology, powered by emotion-based voices, enables you to captivate your audience, highlight features, spark interest, or guide customers through exciting options with just a few clicks.

Whether you're aiming for a gentle persuasion or a vigorous pitch, you'll find the ideal voice to suit your needs with Revoicer.

Easy to use yet packed with endless customization options, Revoicer stands out as the premier choice for any sales video.

Support/Help Videos

With Revoicer, product developers can effortlessly produce voiceovers for demos and instructional videos to train employees or onboard new customers.

Whether it's enhancing user experience or explaining new features, demo and help videos are crucial for a successful product.

Revoicer simplifies the voiceover creation process, making it quick and easy, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most—developing outstanding products.

School Lessons

Revoicer simplifies the way educators enhance their teaching methods.

Convert key information into captivating videos, incorporate voiceovers into slide presentations, offer portable listening lessons for students, or provide translations in various languages to increase accessibility.

Students can engage with audio lessons during a jog, on bus or metro rides, or even while playing games, making learning flexible and accessible.

TV Commercials

When you're prepared to elevate your marketing strategies, TV commercials are frequently an excellent option.

Revoicer enables you to include extra voiceover text to scenes without live actors, broadening your advertising possibilities while adhering to your budget.

Ideal for both small businesses and large corporate campaigns.

Revoicer AI TV Commercials

Documentary Videos

Looking for a voice that matches the iconic National Geographic style?

Revoicer has a wide selection of AI text-to-speech voices perfect for that.

Voiceovers are essential for impactful documentaries — to effectively convey crucial information, you need a narration style that captures and holds your audience's attention.

Whether for commercial or educational purposes, Revoicer enhances your ability to deliver a compelling, coherent narrative.

Audio Books

Revoicer enables you to transform your written content into professional audiobooks that can be enjoyed at home, during a drive, or on the move.

Revoicer AI text-to-speech engine does more than just deliver text clearly and naturally—it also infuses emotion into the voice tone, making it ideal for audiobook creation.

Ecom Videos

In E-Commerce, it's crucial that your audience connects with the voice of your video.

Whether you need young female voices, older male voices, or voices with various accents, Revoicer offers them all.

Maximize your investment—engage diverse audiences with customizable languages and voice tones.


Approximately 60 percent of U.S. consumers listen to podcasts every day.

If you're aiming to enhance your podcast brand with custom commercials, content, or sound bites, Revoicer provides the additional support needed to truly engage your audience.

Moreover, it helps you deliver a more professional podcasting experience.

Video Ads

If the high cost has deterred you from A/B testing different voiceovers for your video ads, Revoicer is the solution you need.

Experiment with various voices, accents, speeds, and emotions to discover what resonates best with your audience, all without any additional expense.

Broaden your reach in non-English speaking markets!

Revoicer AI Text to Speech: Bridging Language Divides

In Revoicer AI increasingly connected world, the ability to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers is invaluable. ReVoicer, an advanced AI-driven text-to-speech platform, stands out as a pivotal tool in this communication revolution. Designed to cater to a diverse global audience, ReVoicer offers seamless text-to-speech services in a multitude of languages, enabling content creators, businesses, and educators to extend their reach and connect more profoundly with people worldwide.

Revoicer AI Languages

Start creating your first AI text-to-speech voiceover today

Eliminate the middleman! Bid farewell to unreliable freelancers. No learning curve or installations required…

Text To Speech Just Got Emotional!

Text-to-Speech sounds robotic, monotonous, and devoid of emotion... RIGHT? Not anymore with ReVoicer AI!

Introducing the first AI Voice Generator that exhibits genuine human emotions.

Every voiceover generated offers truly human-like emotions, infusing vitality into your voiceovers. Revoicer AI voices feature nuances that make them sound NATURAL, complete with all the necessary expressions and tonal inflections to captivate your audience and enhance engagement with your content!












ReVoicer AI Text To Speech Just Got Emotional

Pricing: Exclusive Deal: 50% Off

Choose Your Plan - Starting at just $37 per month!

Revoicer Standard

50% Discount

$37 / month

  • 80+ voices included
  • 600.000 chars/month
  • 40+ language support
  • Neural-Emotion AI engine
  • Free Updates and Support
  • Add Background Music
  • Multiple Projects
  • Translate Text
  • Agency Rights
  • Conversation Style videos

Revoicer Agency

50% Discount

$127 / month

  • 250+ voices included
  • 4.000.000 chars/month
  • 50+ language support
  • Neural-Emotion AI engine
  • Free Updates and Support
  • Add Background Music
  • Multiple Projects
  • Translate Text
  • Agency Rights
  • Conversation Style videos

"Say Goodbye to Robotic Voices!"

No other software delivers more natural-sounding text-to-speech voices! Revoicer AI so confident in its capabilities that Revoicer making this decision absolutely risk-free for you. This is a no-brainer, completely risk-free decision! If you create a voiceover using Revoicer and aren't satisfied, Revoicer will refund your money in full and you'll still get to keep all the voiceovers you've created!

Revoicer Pricing plans

Compatible with All Video Editing Software

Revoicer generates MP3 files that are universally compatible with any video editing software, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to install Revoicer AI?

No installation required! Revoicer AI is a cloud-based app, meaning it's hosted online and accessible from any device at any time.

Can I use Revoicer AI voices for monetized YouTube content?

Absolutely! Revoicer is perfect for YouTube monetized content. Revoicer AI-based Text-to-Speech app delivers high-quality, natural-sounding speech, ideal for YouTube. Many clients successfully use Revoicer with no complications. Just ensure you adhere to YouTube's terms of service and guidelines when using Revoicer AI product.

How many voices feature emotions?

Currently, Revoicer AI offer 11 English voices capable of expressing emotions, available only in English for now. Revoicer is actively working to expand this feature to more voices to meet Revoicer AI customers' needs.

Does Revoicer AI work on MAC or Windows?

Revoicer is compatible with desktop PCs, Apple devices, and even smartphones.

Can I try Revoicer AI for free?

While Revoicer AI do not offer a free version or trial of Revoicer, you can try it risk-free thanks to Revoicer no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

How do I get support?

For support, simply open a ticket at Revoicer knowledgeable and responsive support team is ready to assist you.

Is there a Money Back Guarantee Policy?

Yes, Revoicer AI offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with Revoicer product, contact us for a prompt refund. There's absolutely no risk involved!

Are there any alternative AI tools available similar to Revoicer AI?

Yes, you can discover more alternatives to AI Text-to-Speech tools with emotion-based AI voice generation using AI Tool Finder.


Welcome to Revoicer AI blog section!

Revoicer AI PRO

Discover Revoicer AI PRO, the most realistic AI Text-to-Speech tool available online, designed specifically for enhancing Sales Videos, Educational Videos, and Podcasts.

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AI Voices

Explore the Complete Collection of Revoicer AI Voices, a diverse and comprehensive array designed to cater to any project's needs. From warm and engaging to authoritative

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Discover Revoicer OTO Options

Revoicer OTO is an advanced upgrade option for the Revoicer software, offering users enhanced features and functionalities. This expansion enables a more seamless and comprehensive

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Special Offer 50% with Revoicer lifetime deal.

Special Offer 50% Discount: Secure Revoicer Speech-to-Text for a lifetime at just $47! Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity. Act now!

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AI Text To Speech

Instantly elevate your content with Revoicer's AI Text to Speech Technology. This powerful tool transforms any video or audio recording into high-quality text within moments, streamlining content

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AI Voice Over Software

Podcasting has evolved immensely, morphing into a booming industry with global listenership and a vast array of shows. It's no wonder then that AI voice generator have carved a niche within this space.

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Text To Speech Tools For Business Marketing Success

Text to speech innovation is at its pinnacle, revolutionizing content creation, particularly in marketing. For marketers, entrepreneurs, or solo content creators, this technology is proving

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Realistic Voice Generators

AI's advancements have consistently dazzled the global audience over recent years. Among its myriad applications, realistic voice generator tools stand out prominently. With solutions like

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AI Text To Speech Voices Online

Fortunately, the world of text-to-speech has witnessed significant advancements. The era of monotonous, robotic voices is behind us. Today, AI-driven text-to-speech voices are easily available

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10 Ways AI Voice Text-To-Speech

As AI technology becomes increasingly prevalent and tools become more accessible, it's essential for businesses to understand how to capitalize on them. Especially with AI voice text-to-speech

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Text To Voice Generator Online For High-Quality Content

Thinking of diving into Revoicer AI online text-to-voice generator but unsure where to start? No worries, got you covered! Revoicer AI compiled a list of 10 inventive methods to leverage an

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Speech To Text Technology

Today's technological landscape continually dazzles us with its advancements, particularly in tools that reshape Revoicer AI communication and work methods. The evolution of speech-to-text tools

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AI Text To Speech With Emotion AndvHow You Can Benefit!

Text to speech tools have become invaluable for content creators, businesses, and brands worldwide. These tools allow for the creation of engaging audio content that effectively communicates messages.

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Text To Speech For Audiobooks

Navigating the challenging landscape of business means recognizing that even the most outstanding products need robust marketing to shine. This rings particularly true for audiobooks, where the launch

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Text To Speech Voices Choosing The Tone

Discover the amazement of hearing a natural, expressive AI-generated text-to-speech voice from Revoicer, offering a choice of over 140 different voices! The tedious process of auditioning voice actors

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Android's Latest Update Of Text To Speech Technology

Android’s Latest Update Spotlights the Rising Value of Text to Speech TechnologyAndroid made a significant announcement on September 8th regarding a substantial upgrade in their Text to Speech (TTS)

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A Revolutionary Way To Generate Voice From Text

Fifteen years ago, if you mentioned a voice generator, people might have thought of the robotic, unemotional voice of HAL from Space Odyssey: 2001. However, the 2011 debut of Siri marked the beginning

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Text To Voice Online App For Instant Audiobooks

The popularity of audiobooks soared with Audible setting the standard in the early 2000s, and their appeal continues to grow. While producing audiobooks has traditionally been a complex task

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Benefits For Educators With Revoicer Online Text To Audio Converter

Revoicer text to audio converter, Revoicer, offers immense benefits to a diverse range of users, including audiobook producers, film and TV producers, content creators, and notably, educators.

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Understanding Text To Speech Through TikTok's Influence

TikTok has significantly spotlighted text-to-speech technology, attracting widespread attention since its introduction. Originally launched in December 2020 as an accessibility feature, this

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The Human Sounding Text To Speech Revolution

If you've experienced text-to-speech apps sounding robotic, you're not alone. However, the landscape is changing with Revoicer leading a new era of human-sounding text-to-speech technology.

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Discover 3 Surprising Facts About Text To Voice Software

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has proven its utility since its inception, yet it often faces criticism, particularly concerning its darker aspects. Essentially, AI employs machine learning to

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Revolutionary Text To Speech Tool The Ultimate Dream For Educators

In today’s digital era, educators like you are always in search of innovative tools that enhance teaching effectiveness and enrich students' learning experiences. One such groundbreaking tool

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Maximize YouTube Success Harness The Best AI Voice Generator's Power

Managing a YouTube channel is no small feat, particularly when your goal is to maximize earnings and stay on the good side of the YouTube algorithm with consistent content. This is where the

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